Jahrbuch / Annals

Wissemann, Volker (Hg.)

Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology 10

204 S., 17 x 24 cm, Softcover
Unversitätsverlag Göttingen 2006
ISBN13: 978 – 3‑938616 – 39‑0
18,00 Euro
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A new yearbook for history and philosophy of biology

The German Society for History and Philosophy of Biology was founded in Jena on June 29, 1991, in the wake of the reunification of Germany. The Society drew members from both the formerly East German and West Germany parts of the country, and from several other European countries and the United States. With a current membership of around 250, the Society has helped to re-establish the history and philosophy of biology as a discipline at German universities and continues to promote the subject as part of higher education. In addition, the Society has supported the establishment of a museum for the history of biology, the Biohistoricum in Neuburg an der Donau, which functions as an archive for books, papers and other materials relevant to the history of biology.

From the start, the Society has been concerned to bring studies in the history and philosophy of biology to a wide audience through its Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie. Parallel to the Jahrbuch, the Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie has become the traditional medium of publication for papers delivered during the Society’s annual meetings. So far, 9 volumes of the Jahrbuch have appeared, under the editorship of Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (1994 – 1997), Michael Weingarten (1994 – 2004), Mathias Gutmann (1999 – 2004), Eve-Marie Engels (1999 – 2001) and Nicolaas A. Rupke (2003 – 2004).

From 2005 the Jahrbuch will be conducted by a new team of editors. This is an opportunity to implement a number of changes, making the contents more transdisciplinary and international, and increasing the emphasis on comparative biology as a subject of historical and philosophical studies. These changes are reflected in a name change from Jahrbuch to Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology. The editors (from different scientific disciplines: botany, zoology, history of science, philosophy) are supported by an international editorial board. Contributions to the Annals should engage with the relevant international, scientifc and historiographical discourse. […]



Preface / VorwortS. 1
Olaf Breidbach
Zur Argumentations- und Vermittlungsstrategie in Müllers
Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen
S. 3 – 30
Eve-Marie Engels
Charles Darwin‘s moral sense – on Darwin’s ethics of
S. 31 – 54
Uwe Hoßfeld & Olaf Breidbach
In the wake of the “Darwin Correspondence”.
40.000 letters to Ernst Haeckel listed and available for study
S. 55 – 58
Ulrich Kutschera
Predator-driven macroevolution in flyingfishes inferred from behavioural studies: historical controversies and a hypothesis
S. 59 – 78
Peter McLaughlin
Spontaneous versus Equivocal Generation in Early Modern
S. 79 – 88
Robert J. Richards
Ernst Haeckel and the Struggles over Evolution and Religion
S. 89 – 116
Nicolas Robin, Frank H. Hellwig
Plant systematics at Jena during the early nineteenth century. Fr. S. Voigt’s treatment of the “méthode naturelle”
S. 117 – 142
Nicolaas A. Rupke
Neither Creation nor Evolution: the Third Way in Mid-Nineteenth Century Thinking about the Origin of Species
S. 143 – 172
Michael Ruse
Was there a darwinian revolution?
S. 173 – 188
Marcel Weber
Holism, Coherence and the Dispositional Concept of Functions
S. 189 –202
Instructions for authorsS. 203